Sunday, February 17, 2008

Post-Valentine's Day Pigabration

So, you know how grocery stores will put all holiday items on sale the day after whatever holiday has passed? Well, today the singles had a spaghetti fundraiser to pay the thousands (oh yes, I mean thousands) of dollars needed to accomodate Jeff Slaughter, and we had everything together for the meal except for a dessert. So my friend, Katie, and I thought that we would just go ahead and go to Food World and raid the bakery section there. The minute we step through the door, though, we see these two tables with Valentine's Day cookies stacked on top with a sign that reads, "everything 50% off marked price." Yeah, we definitely served Valentine's Day sweets in all of their pink-frosted goodness at a spaghetti fundraiser.

And a very, merry post-Valentine's Day to you!


Adena said...

mmm... sweet frosty goodness...

and thousands for the slaughter? No good, I say. No good.

(*does the "Anna finally posted* dance)

Shannon said...

I was going to do that dance! Yay Anna! Now you've lost your blogging virginity.

Who is this Slaughter person? That's an unfortunate last name.

You guys should have a fundraiser right after Halloween and serve all of that frosted goodness. Devil and witch cookies...I'm sure the church ladies would love that.

Colleen said...

Jeff Slaughter is the guy that does all the VBS stuff. He's been to the church before, a few years ago, so Adena might remember him. I doubt that Shannon or Caryn would know who he is. He is going to be here in two weeks for an event the singles are sponsoring called 'Out of the Depths'. Hence, the fund-raiser.

Then, the children's choir - which I co-direct - is going to sing and do the motions of some of his VBS songs for this year on the next day, Sunday, while he's here, so I've been trying to learn all the motions because I have to help lead them. It will be cute because you know how unpredictable kids are when they get up on stage!

Adena said...

wsI remember J.S. In fact I met him in person the year that I did "student staffers" with student life for kids camp (the year before I got hired on with them.) He's a pretty cool guy, and his kids' music is pretty fun.