Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, why do my children like to to bite mommy? Julian doesn't have any teeth yet. He's 3 months old. And he has already created a terrible wound that has to have a couple days of no nursing to heal properly. I think he just sucks really hard or something, but I have 2 cuts, on the top and bottom!! I assume you all remember the Lara bite incident, but she was 7 months old already...

I started doing Pilates yesterday (we'll see how long this lasts) because I need to do something, and I can do this while Lara is awake because she does it with me. Man is it funny. We lie on our backs in front of the TV and follow Ellen (Lara knows her name) as she stretches and works us, and Lara attempts it all with me. If I can ever get the video camera CD installed on this computer, I'll tape it for you and post it somewhere. It'd be a good watch. :)

I bought a bag of gutted, scaled, but otherwise whole tilapia at Sam's and pulled three of them out to thaw this morning. I put them in a bin in the sink with warm water and showed Lara. Her first reaction was, "mommy, the fish are tired." Then she said, "mommy, those fish are sad." I thought honesty was the best policy, so I risked it all and said, "no, sweetie, those fish are dead and we are going to eat them for dinner." Her response: "Yeah! We're gonna eat them!" I would have thought that all her viewings of Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid would have sensitized her to the plight of the fish... evidently not.

Incidentally, she found them quite tasty.


Shannon said...

I have to say that I laughed really hard at that story. I can totally hear her make her voice really low and scratchy and say that. Hee hee.

Asher bit me yesterday but only because I put my finger in his mouth. I put my finger in his mouth because he had my engagement ring in there, clamped in his teeth. Oy.

Adena said...

Call me abusive, but both Sage and Orion tried biting once or twice and both got a swift flick in the mouth (while I do appreciate mom's "biting back" story, it wasn't my gut reaction. Mine was more like "OW, *flick*")

Shannon said...

Oh, Asher usually gets a pop in the mouth if he bites. I was just really worried about him swallowing my ring and tearing his esophagus. He used to walk up to me and just randomly bite my leg, then cry when I popped him and wouldn't pick him up. Figure it out, kid.

Adena said...

Yeah, I get that. The first time Sage bit me on the leg was in front of Chad's parents. I was pretty relived when, after popping his mouth, they both started laughing at Sage's reaction. The reaction that says "What'd you do that for??"

Colleen said...

I have to admit my first response was to pop the baby in the face when she bit me; it was really a reflex because it hurt, but it seemed to work. I always comforted after, but explained that it wasn't acceptable. I know that a baby doesn't understand 'explanations', but it worked nonetheless. I have to admit I laughed pretty hard at the fish story, too. Her remorse was so evident in those tender little words..."Yeah, we're going to eat them!".

Colleen said...

By the way, biting back only works if the child is old enough to understand consequences. Lara would understand that now but Julian wouldn't, so it would be useless for him.

Shannon said...

Caryn, you will LOVE this website (and you too mom). I dare you to not stay on it for a few hours.


Anna Farley said...

This reminds me of the time that Adena had the hair-pulling match with Rebecca South. That was really darn funny to watch AND Rebecca learned to never pull hair again. But it was really more darn funny to watch!

Adena said...

I am really hoping I can relive th hair pulling tug of war with one of my children. Classic!

Shannon said...

Hair pulling doesn't work with Asher, it seems to not even hurt him. He just looks at me like, Huh? The only thing that sort of works with that (for a little while) is if I push him away and don't pick him up for a little while. He gets really upset then.

And for the record, after I do those things, I explain (even though he doesn't understand) and then comfort him. I don't just shove him and walk away. I am an adult, after all :b

Carynanne said...

I've seen that free rice thing-- but since the whole point is to win words so rice will be donated, I feel both compelled and justified to cheat and look up the words. And those words are outrageous!!

Lara's biggest discipline problem is talking back. I seem to be getting the knack for it,though. The key is to just not let her win. I try not spank, because it doesn't seem to get the point across. It didn't work on Adena, either, as I recall...

Colleen said...

Okay, so I went on that freerice website and it was fun for a while, but it's not like you win or anything; you just keep getting words to see if you know the meanings. I knew - or could figure out by the root of the word - what most of them were, but after a while it got boring. And who buys this rice and how do they buy it one grain at a time? I thought that was a little odd....

Carynanne said...

Click on the "About us" link or whatever it is. The website is paid for by companies who advertise on it, and they pay according to the number of hits the page gets. Thus, the more you play, the more the advertisers pay, and the more money can be spent on rice to feed poor starving children in Africa.

And all you lazy bums, would you write some and keep me updated on your lives?? Jeez!!!!

Shannon said...

I think I am going to trademark the statement "poor starving children in Africa". It gets used a lot, I could make some money.

Maybe I will post tomorrow after Asher's appt. so you can all know how big he is. That's about the excitement level here right now.

Colleen said...

It's not a matter of lazy; it's a matter of having nothing exciting to report. All I do is work and church, and right now we are preparing for the Easter presentation, so we have had practice every night this week except Monday. I would much rather hear about your lives and how the babies are doing anyway; my life is rather boring and humdrum. Sorry.

Carynanne said...

Stories are as exciting as you spin them.

Colleen said...

That may be so, but spinning makes me dizzy! :)