Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just call me a Jet-Setter!

Okay, so here's my itinerary for the next few months.

In September (10th thru 17th), I will be going to Ohio for a week for Shannon's baby.
In October (10th thru 14th), I will be going to California for a long weekend to a reunion with my sisters and brother as a surprise for Erin's birthday (don't say anything; it's a surprise!).
Then also in October (probably the last weekend) I'm supposed to be going on a retreat to a log cabin with the older singles group for a long weekend, although that has not been confirmed yet.
Then in November (around Thanksgiving) I will probably be going to Adena's for her new baby.

It's going to be a lot of travelling, but I'm looking forward to it.

The grand finale will be having everybody here for Christmas! I'm looking forward to seeing all my siblings this year as well as all my children and grandchildren! God is good!

I only wish I had more money so I could enjoy these trips without that burden, but I'm still going; I know I won't have these opportunities again any time soon.


Adena said...

Let's just cross our fingers really hard that we'll get this house and have a place for you to stay!

Anna Farley said...

I will be going with mom for thanksgiving, too!

Carynanne said...

But no visits to Caryn. Boo. :(

I wish I could come to CA with you. Not cheap, though. That will be really far out for you!

Colleen said...

The trip to CA is compliments of my sisters. I really wanted to go, but I had so many trips coming up already that I just couldn't squeeze another expense in, so they decided to get my ticket so I could come. I haven't totally made up my mind on the retreat because I don't know that I should spend the money, but I really want to go. I normally don't do much, so this is quite a lot of activity for me!
Caryn, how's everything at your house? Did you contact your insurance company? What about an electrician? I hope all is well! And we will come visit again; I just don't know exactly when.

Carynanne said...

Daddy figured out what the problem was with the electrical. He just replaced a fuse switch thingy in the fuse box. However, the garage door opener is still broken, so I called our homeowner's warranty company and it's covered, it's just a $50 charge and everything else is paid for. So they are coming tomorrow, and that should take care of us. I think we've come up with solutions for everything now. There are some plugs on our TV that are broken, but we've been using alternate ones that work just as well. The only thing is that we can no longer watch VHS tapes because the audio inputs on the composite cables are caput. But that's not such a bad thing.

And you have to visit before next June, because then we can all go the Aquarium (or as Lara calls it, the Squareum) and us Abbotts won't have to pay for it. We bought ourselves season passes.

Mrs. F said...

Woo hoo. I am excited to see you. Mum is the word. still own VHS tapes?

Carynanne said...

GOODness-- we have a bunch of VHS tapes!! And I'm unashamed of it. I plan to buy a record player to show my kids how we grew up. :) Before dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Shannon said...

I have a record player. And a VCR and tapes. Ask Caryn what percentage of her VHS tapes are Disney movies.

You are quite the jetsetter, aren't you? But I just know that the trip to Ohio will be the best, because it's by far the coolest place on earth. Yup.

Colleen said...

I not only have vhs tapes and a record player, I still have lp's and 45's. And Shannon has a collection of 78's! I wonder if you know what those are and what that means....