Sunday, August 24, 2008

"No Subject" is pretty fitting for this one

Hey, I know haven't posted in a while...*shrug*. So, here goes!
I wanted to let everyone know what was going on in my life. I just started school. I'm in two choirs: Women's and Madrigals. I'm also taking a voice lesson. American History, World Religions, and Chemistry are also classes in which I am currently enrolled. I am employed at Panera Bread and am payed far too little. I can't seem to make my sentence structures vary to make this a little more interesting, so I guess you'll all just have to deal with it...*another shrug*.
Really, I'm doing alright. The application for UCF's nursing school comes out in October, so I'm going to be pretty stressed out when that time rolls around. I'm going to apply to other schools, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do. So it should be interesting to see how everything turns out.
Well, I guess that's everything right now. Word.

(I'm feeling lots of pressure to put a picture of myself on my profile.)


Carynanne said...

So if there's all this pressure to add a picture, hows come you didn't add one?

Anna Farley said...

The bubble hasn't burst yet, Caryn.

Adena said...

"Life Update" would have worked. And I say YES to a profile picture, as we would all like to see your precious baby Anna face.

Mrs. F said...


And yes, photo please!

Also? Are you even old enough to be going to college, let alone nursing school???????
